1. Eligibility

1.1.    For using J&T API, you must already have a written cooperation agreement with J&T.

1.2.    For access J&T API, you will be required to provide some information such as contact information, company information, and etc. as a part of the API registration, or continuous API usage.


2. Term and Condition of Usage

2.1.    As your compliance with this API terms, J&T will grant you limited rights, non-exclusive, and non-transferable credential.

2.2.    You are required to give us your IP Testing and IP production for access J&T API if needed. After the IP production is used, J&T will delete the IP testing. If in the future there is any changes of IP production you need to contact and provide J&T the new IP and if in the future we found an unregistered IP that access our API, J&T has the right to terminate that IP to access API.

2.3.     If J&T found any abnormal request from your IP, J&T also has the right to terminate that IP because we consider as spams and will interrupt our server performance.

2.4.     The data parameters that you send to our production server must in accordance with the data parameters required by J&T. Be forbidden to send us faulty data, if we found that cases from your IP, J&T have the right to terminate the access.


3. Additional Term

3.1. The use of this API is at your own risk and responsibility. You are willing to indemnify, protect and exempt J&T and its staffs from any liability and expenses as a cause of:

    (a) The use of J&T API.

    (b) For every breach or violation of API Term and condition.

    (c) Any software application and hardware devices that you develop using J&T API.

3.2. These term and condition will be changes or update from time to time without any prior notice, we advise to all J&T API user to read carefully and periodically review these term and condition at this website for the latest update of J&T API term and condition.